Kubernetes Boot Camp
Kubernetes Boot Camp Course Details:
Kubernetes is a Cloud Orchestration platform, providing reliability, replication, and stability while minimizing resources for applications and services. This course guides you through the Kubernetes architecture, useful commands, containerization, and best practices. You'll have access to your own high availability Kubernetes environment capable of demonstrating the "K8s" features. Join us and learn how to deploy your services on Kubernetes.
This class preps you for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification.
Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!
Kubernetes Architecture
- Components
- Containers
- Pods
- Master Services
- Node Services
- K8s Services
kubectl Commands
- Kubernetes Resources
- Kubernetes Namespace
- Kubernetes Context
- Contexts
- What is a Pod?
- Create, List, Delete Pods
- How to Access Running Pods
- Kubernetes Resources
- Managing Cloud Resource Consumption
- Pod Wellness Tracking
- Packet Forwarding
- Services
- Network Plugins
- Services
- ReplicaSet Function
- Deploying ReplicaSets
- DaemonSet Purpose
- Managing DaemonSets
- Updating DaemonSets
- Deployment Object
- Updating Deployments
- Deployment Strategies
- Scaling ReplicaSets
- Autoscaling
Labels and Annotations
- Labels
- Annotations
- The K8s Job
- Work Queues
Configuration Files and Secrets
- Config Maps
- Secrets
- Managing ConfigMaps and Secrets
Stateful Applications
- Challenges with Stateful Services
- K8s Stateful Service Architecture
- Volumes
- K8s volume configuration
Introduction to Helm and Tiller
- Helm Introduction
- Charts
Monitor, Log, and Debug
*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
Join an engaging hands-on learning environment, where you’ll learn:
- Kubernetes architecture and the functionality of each component
- Containerization and what it means to the Kubernetes platform
- The kubectl command-line utility
- How to administer services on a Kubernetes Cluster
- Troubleshooting and testing
- Deployment automation using Helm and Tiller
- How to develop, test, and run new services on a Kubernetes cloud
This is a lab-intensive hands-on course with engaging instruction, demos, and discussions.
- Navigating the Kubernetes Lab Environment
- Docker Refresher A Practical Docker Exercise
- Launch Pod on Kubernetes
- Run Create or Apply
- Kubernetes Namespace
- Kubernetes Context
- The Kubernetes get Command
- The Kubernetes describe Command
- The kubernetes dashboard
- K8s Keeps Pods Running
- Listing-Pods, Deployments, Services
- Creating a Pod Manifest
- Creating and Deleting a Deployment
- Liveness and Readiness Probe
- AI Resource Definition and Controls
- exec, cp, ConfigMap, Secrets
- Building a Composite Pod
- Listing Pods with Labels
- Defining an Annotation
- Port Forwarding with Kubernetes
- Deploy network policy
- Local Registry
- ReplicaSet Fades into Abstraction
- Creating a Composite Deployment
- K8s Jobs
- Exposing a Deployment
- Scaling Imperative Declarative Autoscaling
- Add a New Volume to a Pod
- Add Blogging sidecar to webby
- Write a Chart to Deploy Webby
- Accessing and viewing Logs
Before attending this course, you should have:
- Basic Linux skills
- Familiarity with a text editor like vi, vim, or nano
Any individual or organization who wants to advance their knowledge of the cloud environment, keep up with recent changes and prepare themselves for the future of applications and services in a public or private cloud environment.
Networking, general IT, DevOps, systems, and storage professionals are a great fit.