Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 19c Course Details:

Oracle Data Integrator 19c (ODI 19c) is a comprehensive, hands-on course that provides experience in configuring, administering, mapping, debugging and managing the ODI 19c environment.

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Introduction to Integration and Administration

  • Introduction to Integration and Administration
  • Oracle Data Integrator: Introduction
  • Oracle Data Integrator Repositories

Administering ODI Repositories

  • Administering the ODI Repositories

ODI Topology Concepts

  • ODI Topology: Overview
  • Data Servers and Physical Schemas
  • Defining Topology
  • Agents in Topology
  • Planning a Topology

Describing the Physical and Logical Architecture

  • Topology Navigator
  • Creating Physical Architecture
  • Creating Logical Architecture

Setting Up a New ODI Project

  • ODI Projects
  • Using Folders
  • Understanding Knowledge Modules
  • Exporting and Importing Objects
  • Using Markers

Oracle Data Integrator Model Concepts

  • Understanding the Relational Model
  • Understanding Reverse-Engineering
  • Creating Models

Organizing ODI Models and Creating ODI Datastores

  • Organizing Models
  • Creating Datastores
  • Constraints in ODI
  • Creating Keys and References
  • Creating Conditions
  • Exploring Your Data
  • Constructing Business Rules

ODI Mapping Concepts

  • ODI Mappings
  • Expressions, Join, Filter, Lookup, Sets, and Others
  • Behind the Rules
  • Staging Area and Execution Location
  • Understanding Knowledge Modules
  • Mappings: Overview

Designing Mappings

  • Multiple Sources and Joins
  • Filtering Data
  • Overview of the Flow in ODI Mapping
  • Selecting a Staging Area
  • Configuring Expressions
  • Execution Location
  • Selecting a Knowledge Module

Mappings: Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  • Monitoring Mappings
  • Working with Errors

Designing Mappings: Advanced Topics 1

  • Working with Business Rules
  • Using Variables
  • Datasets and Sets
  • Using Sequences

Designing Mappings: Advanced Topics 2

  • Partitioning
  • Configuring Reusable Mappings
  • Using User Functions
  • Substitution Methods
  • Modifying Knowledge Modules

Using ODI Procedures

  • Procedures: Overview
  • Creating a Blank Procedure
  • Adding Commands
  • Adding Options
  • Running a Procedure

Using ODI Packages

  • Packages: Overview
  • Executing a Package
  • Review of Package Steps
  • Model, Submodel, and Datastore Steps
  • Variable Steps
  • Controlling the Execution Path

Step-by-Step Debugger

  • Starting a Debug Session
  • New Functions
  • Menu Bar Icons

Managing ODI Scenarios

  • Scenarios
  • Managing Scenarios
  • Preparing for Deployment

Using Load Plans

  • Load Plans
  • Load plan editor
  • Load plan step sequence
  • Defining restart behavior

Enforcing Data Quality with ODI

  • Data Quality
  • Business Rules for Data Quality
  • Enforcing Data Quality with ODI

Working with Changed Data Capture

  • The purpose of CDC with ODI
  • Types of CDC implementations
  • CDC implementation techniques
  • Journalizing
  • Results of CDC

Advanced ODI Administration

  • Setting Up ODI Security
  • Managing ODI Reports
  • ODI Integration with Java EE

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly-experienced practitioners who bring years of current on-the-job experience into every classroom. Working within in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to:

  • Administer ODI resources and setup security with ODI
  • Apply ODI Topology concepts for data integration
  • Describe ODI Model concepts
  • Describe architecture of Oracle Data Integrator 12c
  • Design ODI Mappings, Procedures, Packages, and Load Plans to perform ELT data transformations
  • Explore, audit data, and enforce data quality with ODI
  • Implement Changed Data Capture with ODI


Those interested in receiving more information on Oracle Data Integrator 19c should take this course.

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