Core Ruby on Rails (TTJ2653) Course Details:

In this course, you will learn how to write database-backed web applications using the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework. Working in a hands-on learning environment, you will explore the various steps of creating a robust web application using the MVC paradigm, object relational mapping, fill in forms, sessions, validation techniques, testing, and other core features of Rails.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. An Overview Of Ruby On Rails

  • What is Ruby on Rails?
  • Downloading Rails
  • A Rails Application
  • Structure of a Rails Application
  • Building the Controller
  • Views
  • A Quick Review
  • Rails Conventions
  • Embedded Ruby
  • Extended Time Functions
  • The render Method
  • The link_to Method
  • One Last Thought

2. Fill in Forms

  • Introduction
  • Creating a Form
  • Submitting a Form
  • Other Form Elements - Checkboxes
  • Radio Buttons
  • Rails Helper Methods
  • Loading the Form
  • Submitting the Form
  • Perspective

3. Databases and Rails

  • Review of MVC
  • Entities and Relationships
  • Databases and Models
  • database.yml
  • Adding the Model
  • Migrations
  • The Index Page
  • The Ruby Console
  • Listing the Rows of a Database Table
  • Scaffolding

4. Validation Techniques

  • Introduction
  • form_for
  • Data Validation
  • Required Fields
  • Validating Numerical Fields
  • Validating Uniqueness
  • Validating Lengths
  • Validating Formats
  • Writing Your Own Validation Methods
  • The errors Object
  • Validation Summary

5. Style

  • Adding Style to Your Application
  • The Actions and the Templates
  • Displaying the New Templates
  • Higher Level Templates
  • Adding Style
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • More Style

6. Users

  • Introduction
  • Maintaining State
  • Preparing an Application for Sessions
  • Registering Users
  • Registration
  • The flash Hash
  • Validation of the Form
  • Logging In
  • Logging Out
  • Protected Pages
  • Filters

7. Putting it All Together

  • Introduction
  • The Business Application
  • Database Terminology
  • Linking Two Models
  • Adding Tasks
  • The Database Tables
  • Displaying an Employee Task
  • Deleting a Task
  • Listing Both Employees and Tasks
  • Migrations
  • application_helpers.rb
  • Editing a Record
  • Summary

8. Testing the Application

  • Introduction
  • Test::Unit
  • Testing Your Own Classes
  • Testing in Rails - Unit Testing
  • Testing Models
  • Fixtures
  • Testing Controllers
  • test_helper.rb
  • rake
  • Integration Testing

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Note: As a programming class, this course provides multiple challenging labs for you to work through during the class. This workshop is about 50 percent hands-on lab and 50 percent lecture. Throughout the course, you will be led through a series of progressively advanced topics, where each topic consists of lecture, group discussion, comprehensive hands-on lab exercises, and lab review. Multiple detailed lab exercises are laced throughout the course, designed to reinforce fundamental skills and concepts learned in the lessons. At the end of each lesson, developers will be tested with a set of review questions to ensure that he/she fully understands that topic.

Web developers currently using Java, .Net, or other frameworks who are seeking a more agile way to get things done using the Ruby on Rails framework

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