.Net Web Developer with C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Debugging and More (TTNSC2175)
.Net Web Developer with C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Debugging and More (TTNSC2175) Course Details:
In this course, you will be provided with an in-depth exploration of the capabilities of the .Net Framework, Visual Studio tools, and the C# programming language. You will learn to build applications, web services, and ASP.Net websites. During this intensive course, you will be exposed to a wide range of topics that will lead to your proficiency with not only the C# .NET programming language, but also the Visual Studio (2010, 2012, or 2013) development environment, and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!
1. Getting To Know Visual Studio
- The Various Types of .NET Projects
- Project Configuration Settings ("My Project" Designer)
- Building, Saving, and Running Projects
- Customizing Visual Studio Settings
- Compile Options
- Getting Help!
- IntelliSense, Code Expansion, and Code Snippets
- The MSDN Library and The "Object Browser" Window
2. Introducing The Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework
- The CLR (Common Language Runtime)
- The CLS (Common Language Specification)
- The CTS (Common Type System)
- Assemblies, Namespaces, and .NET Class Libraries
- Types
- Value Types and Reference Types
- Partial Types
- .NET Memory Management
- The Stack and The Managed Heap
- Garbage Collection
- Casting vs. Converting vs. Parsing
3. Windows Forms Applications
- Windows Forms vs. ASP .NET (Web Forms) Applications
- Adding Controls and Setting Control Properties
- Incorporating Event Handling Code
4. Exception Handling, Debugging and Testing Code
- The Exception Class
- try.catch.finally Blocks
- Setting Breakpoints and Stepping Through Code
- The Various Debugging Windows
5. Assemblies
- Private vs. Shared Assemblies
- The End of DLL Hell?
- The Assembly Manifest, References, and Versioning
- The Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
- Strong Naming an Assembly
6. C# Language Elements and Syntax
- Naming Conventions
- Using Variables and Primitive Types
- Primitive Types and C# Variable Declarations
- Verbaitim Strings
7. C# Language Elements and Syntax
- Decision Making Structures
- if and switch Constructs
- C# Operators
- Looping Structures
- for and while
- C# Functions
- Returning a Value vs. void
- ref and out Parameters
8. Object-Oriented Programming and Building Class Libraries
- Core Object-Oriented Concepts
- Classes vs. Instances
- Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
- Overloading, Virtual (Overriding), Static, Hiding
- Designing the Class
- Fields, Properties, Methods, Events, Constructors
- Determining Member Scope
- Visual Studio "Class Diagram" and "Class Designer"
- Advanced OOP Concepts
- Abstract and Sealed Classes
- Event Delegates
- Building and Implementing Interfaces
- Building Enumerable Types (Enums)
9. Utilizing Class Libraries
- The .NET Console Application Project Type
- References and Importing Namespaces
- Instancing Classes
10. Introduction To ASP .NET Web Development
- The HTTP Request/Response (Client/Server) Architecture Model
- ASP .NET Web Sites vs. ASP .NET Web Applications
- Web Form, HTML, and HTML Server Controls
11. Introduction To ASP .NET XML Web Services
- Building Web Services
- The [WebService] and [WebMethod] Compiler Attributes
12. Using The Visual Studio Web Service
- Test Bed
- The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) Document
- Building A Web Service Client
- Making The Web Reference
- Using The Web Proxy
13. WCF Web Services
- Overview
- Creating an XML web service
- Using a web service
14. Exploring and working with ADO.Net
- Abstract Data Support
- Data Providers
- Overview of Entity Framework
*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
Note: As a programming class, this course provides multiple challenges labs for you to work through during the class. This workshop is about 50 percent hands-on lab and 50 percent lecture. Throughout the course, you will be led through a series of progressively advanced topics, where each topic consists of lecture, group discussion, comprehensive hands-on lab exercises, and lab review. Multiple detailed lab exercises are laced throughout the course, designed to reinforce fundamental skills and concepts learned in the lessons. At the end of each lesson, you will be tested with a set of review questions to ensure that you fully understand that topic.
Experienced developers who have little or no prior .NET programming experience, and who wish to use C# .NET with Visual Studio to develop Windows based web based applications