Building Java EE Web Applications (TT5100-JEE) Course Details:

In this comprehensive course, you will learn how to design and program servlets and JSPs, including all the important concepts and hands-on labs that will have you building working server-side applications. You will gain core JEE knowledge and skills used as the foundation for developing production-quality web applications to a basic level. 

Throughout this training, you will be confronted with common web application design problems and given the tools you will need to solve them, such as JEE design patterns. You will also be exposed to a range of JEE and web technologies such as Servlets, JSPs, EJBs, JNDI, XML, and advice on when and how to use them. You will learn about the capabilities of servlets, their advantages, servlet architecture, and session management. You will also learn about JSP syntax, deployment, and application models, how to use Java as a scripting language, how to use custom tags, and how to build robust and capable web applications using Servlets and JSP.

 You will begin with web application architecture. A major part of the course is spent on servlets and JavaServer pages (JSP). You will cover interacting databases using JDBC, Java’s database access technology. The course includes an introduction to web services. You will create code for an online store and learn not only specific topics and APIs but also how to fit the pieces together into a complete application. You will leave the course armed with the required skills to design and build scalable, secure, maintainable web applications.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. JEE Application Architecture

  • Technical Overview of JEE
  • JEE Application Architectures (Web-Based)

2. Web Applications

  • Configuring Web Applications

3. Developing Servlets

  • Servlets
  • Processing Input Data
  • Sever-Side Control
  • Client Side Control
  • Maintaining Client State - Sessions
  • Application and Session Events

4. Filters

  • What is a Filter
  • Filtering Requests and Responses

5. Developing JavaServer Pages

  • JavaServer Pages
  • JSP Implicit Objects
  • The Expression Language


  • JSTL and Core Library

7. JavaServer Faces

  • JSF Application Development

8. Database Integration - JDBC and JEE

  • JDBC and its Position in JEE
  • JDBC Data Access API
  • DAO Pattern

9. Persistence and EJB3

  • Java Persistence API
  • Working With Enterprise JavaBeans 3
  • Entity Beans and Persistence
  • Transactions

10. Additional JEE Components

  • Other JEE APIs
  • Web Services in JEE (WSEE)

11. Security in JEE

  • Best Defense: JEE Security
  • Web Application Security
  • Handling Untrusted Input

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Design and build web applications from both business and technical requirements
  • Build web interfaces with JSPs and servlets using the latest technologies in JEE 5
  • Write maintainable web applications that separate HTML and Java
  • Design and develop web applications using servlets and JSPs
  • Work JEEs version of dependency injection
  • Make servlets cooperate and share data
  • Store and process session information
  • Deal with concurrency issues
  • Create JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
  • Link servlets and JSPs
  • Use the built in JSP objects
  • Embed JavaBeans in a JSP
  • Use JavaBeans in a JSP
  • Use servlets and JSP together
  • Access databases with JDBC
  • Work with JEE 5 persistence options including JPA
  • Work with new annotations included in JEE 5
  • Expose web components as web services
  • Recognize basic web security vulnerabilities and implement effective defenses

This course is approximately 50% dynamic lab exercises and 50% lecture. Throughout the course, you will be led through a series of progressively advanced topics, where each topic consists of lecture, group discussion, comprehensive hands-on lab exercises, and lab review. Multiple detailed lab exercises are laced throughout the course, designed to reinforce fundamental skills and concepts learned in the lessons.

Extensive working knowledge in developing basic Java application

Experienced Java developers who are new to JEE and need to expand their skills in web development and Struts

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