UCCE-D - Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Deployment Course Details:

Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Deployment (UCCE-D) is a 5-day instructor-led course that helps prepare learners to deploy the Cisco Unified CCE v11.5 solution. This course will provide the student with the underlying knowledge to understand deployment design solutions, requirements for deployment, and how to install and configure all major Cisco Unified CCE components.

As a part of deployment activities, the student will understand how to install and integrate Intelligent Contact Manager (ICM) with Active Directory, how to install and integrate Cisco Unified CVP components using an IOS-based voice browser and Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser (Cisco VVB), how to install and integrate Cisco Finesse, how to install and integrate Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Active Directory and associated Data Sources for reporting purposes, and how to install and configure Agent- and IVR-based Outbound Option dialing campaigns.

Finally, the student will learn how to setup and use troubleshooting tools including RTMT, System CLI, Diagnostic Framework, and ICM command-line utilities to find status information and log files, and to track a call from the point of entry to the agent desktop.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Module 1. Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Overview

Lesson 1: Presenting Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise

  • Cisco Unified CCE Solutions
  • New/Deprecated Features and Enhancements
  • Cisco Unified CCE Reference Designs
  • Cisco Unified CCE Reference Design Specifications
  • Cisco Unified CCE Core Components
  • Optional Cisco Components
  • Optional Third-Party Components
  • Cisco Unified CCE Solution Integrated Features
  • Solution Administration
  • Compatibility

Lesson 2: Cisco Unified CCE Core Components

Cisco Unified Communications Manager

  • Cisco Unified CM Cluster Nodes
  • Cisco Unified CM Database Architecture
  • Intracluster Communications
  • Call Processing Subscriber Redundancy
  • CTI Manager Service
  • Partitions and Calling Search Spaces
  • Basic Call Handling
  • Agent Phones

Cisco Unified CCE/ICM

  • Definitions
  • Traditional ICM
  • Traditional ICM Deployment Models
  • ICM Components
  • ICM Databases
  • ICM Terms
  • Cisco Unified CVP
  • Cisco Unified CVP Product Components
  • Additional Component
  • Cisco Unified CVP Functional Deployment Models

Lesson 3: Cisco Unified CCE Options

  • Optional Cisco Unified CCE Components
  • Cisco Unified CCE Third-Party Components
  • Cisco Unified CCE Integrated Features
  • Solution Administration

Lesson 4: Basic Call Flow Models

  • Call Flow Types
  • Traditional ICM Pre-route
  • Traditional ICM Post-route
  • Cisco Unified CCE Call Flow
  • Traditional ICM Translation Routing
  • Translation Route to VRU

Module 2. Cisco Unified CCE Protocols, Processes, and Services

Lesson 1: Cisco Unified CM

  • Cisco Unified CM Architecture
  • Cisco Unified CM Fault Tolerance

Lesson 2: Cisco Unified CCE/Intelligent Contact Manager

  • ICM Architecture
  • ICM Processes and Services
  • ICM Fault Tolerance

Lesson 3: Cisco Unified CVP

  • CVP Architecture
  • CVP Fault Tolerance

Module 3. Installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Lesson 1: Installation Prerequisites

  • Network
  • Platform
  • Software
  • Browser
  • Username and Password
  • Licensing
  • Required Installation Information

Lesson 2: Cisco Unified CM Installation

  • Installation Types
  • Pre-installation Tasks
  • Install CUCM

Lesson 3: Post-installation Configurations

  • Licensing
  • Service Activation

Lesson 4: Creating Basic Infrastructure

  • Regions
  • Device Pools
  • Partitions
  • Calling Search Spaces
  • Trunks
  • Route Groups
  • Route Lists
  • Route Patterns
  • IP Phones
  • Application User Accounts

Lesson 5: Upgrading Cisco Unified CM

  • Understanding Upgrades and Migrations
  • Requirements and Limitations
  • Supported Upgrade Paths
  • Upgrade Sequence and Timing
  • Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  • Upgrade Procedures

Module 4. Installing Intelligent Contact Manager

Lesson 1: Installation Requirements

  • Platform
  • Network
  • Software
  • VM
  • Compatibility

Lesson 2: Pre-installation Tasks

  • Set Up Active Directory and DNS
  • Set Up Virtual Machines
  • Set Up Third Party Software

Lesson 3: Install the Main Installer

  • Install the ICM Software Installer
  • Set Up Organizational Units
  • Add Users to Security Groups

Lesson 4: Install the Central Controller

  • Add ICM Instance
    Create the Logger Database
    Set Up the ICM Router
    Set Up the ICM Logger

Lesson 5: Install the Administration and Data Server

  • Create the HDS Database
  • Set Up the Administration and Data Server
  • Start Central Controller
  • Set the Deployment Type and Congestion Control

Lesson 6: Install the Peripheral Gateway

  • Configure the PG for CUCM
  • Configure the PG for Cisco Unified CVP
  • Set Up the PG for CUCM
  • Set Up the PG for Cisco Unified CVP
  • Install the JTAPI Client for Cisco Unified CM PG

Lesson 7: Install CTI Services

  • Set Up CTI Server

Lesson 8: Cisco Finesse

  • Finesse Agent Desktop
  • Finesse IP Phone Agent
  • Installation Requirements
  • Install Finesse
  • Finesse Configurations
  • Upgrading Finesse

Lesson 9: Upgrading ICM

  • Multistage Upgrades
  • Pre-Upgrade Overview
  • Upgrade Overview

Module 5. Installing Cisco Unified CVP

Lesson 1: Installation Prerequisites

  • CVP Server
  • Ops Console
  • Reporting Server
  • Call Studio

Lesson 2: Install the CVP Server

  • Ops Console
  • CVP Server
  • Reporting Server
  • Remote Operations
  • License CVP Components

Lesson 3: Configure Cisco Unified CVP Components

  • Call Server
  • VXML Server
  • Media Server
  • Reporting Server
  • Gateways
  • Cisco Unified CM
  • ICM

Lesson 4: Upgrading Cisco Unified CVP Upgrade Path

  • Upgrade Strategies
  • Upgrade VM
  • Upgrade Windows
  • Upgrade CVP

Module 6. Installing and Configuring Cisco Unified CCE Options

Lesson 1: Cisco Outbound Option

  • Enable Outbound Option
  • Add Outbound Database
  • Configure the Media Routing PG and Dialer Peripheral
  • Configure the Dialer
  • Set Up the Media Routing PG and Dialer
  • Outbound Option Configurations

Lesson 2: Cisco Unified Intelligence Center

  • Installation Prerequisites
  • Install CUIC
  • Import Stock Reports
  • CUIC Configurations
  • Upgrading CUIC

Module 7. Supporting Cisco Unified CCE

Lesson 1: Maintenance Activities

  • Back-up and Restore
  • Database Purge

Lesson 2: UCCE Troubleshooting Tools

  • RTMT
  • Diagnostic Framework
  • System CLI
  • ICM Command Line Tools
  • Syslog and SNMP

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives:

  • Understand CCE solutions, architecture, solution options, deployment models, integrated features, and call flow options.
  • Understand underlying Cisco Unified CCE processes, messaging, and fault tolerance schemes.
  • Install, upgrade, and make basic configurations in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
  • Install, create databases, integrate, and upgrade all ICM components to include the ICM Router, Logger, Administration & Data Server, Peripheral Gateways, CTI Gateway and Cisco Finesse.
  • Install, integrate, configure, and upgrade Cisco Unified CVP components to include the CVP Call Server, Voice XML Server, Media Server, Reporting Server, and Cisco VVB.
  • Install, upgrade, and make configurations for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and Cisco Outbound Option Agent- and IVR-based campaigns.

Lab 3-1: Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Lab 4-1: Install the ICM Main Installer
Lab 4-2: Install the ICM Central Controller and Administration & Data Server
Lab 4-3: Configure and Install a Generic PG and CTI Server for Cisco Unified CVP and Cisco Unified CM
Lab 4-4: Integrate and Test Cisco Finesse
Lab 5-1: Install, Configure and License Cisco Unified CVP
Lab 5-2: Configure Voice Browsers for Cisco Unified CVP
Lab 5-3: Cisco Unified CVP Proof of Concept
Lab 6-1: Configure an Agent-based Outbound Campaign
Lab 6-2: Configure a Transfer to IVR-based Outbound Campaign
Lab 6-3 License and Configure Cisco Unified Intelligence Center
Lab 7-1: Using Troubleshooting Tools

This outlines the student and personal computer requirements to attend this class:

  • All students must have their own personal computer or laptop for access to lab systems, WebEx (for WebEx deliveries), and course materials (if electronic materials are used). These computers must conform with these capabilities:
  1. Windows (preferred), Mac and Linux operating systems supported.
  2. Access to the internet with speeds greater than 1 Mbps.
  3. Mozilla Firefox (v45 or better [preferred]) or Internet Explorer 11.
  4. Must have or the ability to install Cisco AnyConnect VPN software and Cisco IP Communicator.
  5. Must have the ability to use Remote Desktop Connection for access to lab servers.
  6. Headsets for audio communications can be helpful.
  • Working knowledge of Cisco networking and components such as routers and switches.
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft software products such as Microsoft Windows Server deployed in an Active
  • Directory environment.
  • Attendance in Cisco Unified CCE Administration classes or equivalent real world experience. This class will assume the student has a solid working knowledge of Cisco Unified CCE and its administration.

The primary audience for this course is as follows:

  • Cisco Unified Communications system channel partners and resellers who are responsible for sales, implementation, or administration of a Cisco Unified Contact Center.
  • System and technical support engineers.
  • Day 1 and Day 2 support personnel.
  • Administrative and reporting personnel.

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