Ethereum Developer Blockchain Training Course Details:

This course is designed for those seeking an in-depth understanding and development experience with the Ethereum Blockchain platform. You’ll gain an overview of Ethereum, smart contracts, and the development language, Solidity. You’ll write smart contracts and build applications that interact with them.

Ethereum’s adaptable feature set which allows you to design decentralized applications for countless applications will be discussed. You will participate in hands-on programming lab sessions so you can develop and advance your skills in Ethereum development.

Approximately 50% of class will be lab time. This provides practical experience, which will enhance your knowledge and existing skill set.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Blockchain and Smart Contract Basics 

  • What is Blockchain and how does it work?
  • Centralized vs. Decentralized vs. Distributed
  • Blockchain vs. Databases
  • Bitcoin vs Ethereum
  • What are Smart Contracts?
  • How are Smart Contracts used?

Smart Contract Programming Basics 

  • Advantages and Drawbacks of Smart Contracts
  • Layer 1 vs. Layer 2
  • High-Level Language vs. Low-Level
  • Languages in Comparison Solidity, Vyper, others
  • Smart Contracts with Solidity
  • The Layout of a Solidity File
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 1)
    • Types of Variables in Solidity
    • Function/Variable Visibility
    • Smart Contract Constructors
    • Setter- and Getter-Functions

Understanding Decentralized Information and Web3 

  • Blockchain Access structures and Architectures
    • Remote Blockchain Nodes vs. Local Blockchain Nodes
  • Blockchain Access vs. centralized RESTful API
  • Understanding Web3.js API
  • Understanding Transactions and Consensus
  • Private Keys, Public Keys and Signatures
  • Understanding privacy on pubic Blockchains
  • Understanding the architecture of KeyStore’s such as MetaMask or MIST
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 2 – Ropsten Test-Ether and MetaMask)
    • Installing and Configuring MetaMask
    • Obtaining Ropsten (or Testnet) Ether
    • Tracing Ether through Block-Explorers
    • Understanding Infura

Basics of Ethereum and the EVM 

  • Ethereum Denominations
  • Understanding EVM and the ABI Interface
  • Calls vs. Transactions
  • Concurrency and Events
  • Use cases of Events
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 3 Web3JS Operations + Lab 4 Events)
    • Install and Use Ganache
    • Work with Web3.js
    • Work with Infura
    • Define Events
    • Listen and React to Events


Solidity Advanced: Modifiers, Mappings, Structs and Inheritance

  • Understanding Functions, Mappings and Structs
  • When to use Modifiers
  • Libraries vs. Inheritance
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 5 Modifiers, 6 Mappings and Structs, Lab 7 Inheritance)
    • Understand and use Modifiers
    • Add Mappings and Structs
    • Use Inheritance to increase auditability

Understanding Deployment and Costs 

  • Understand Development and Deployment Cycles
  • Understanding Solidity Compilation and Deployment
  • Gas and Gas-Costs
  • Upgradeability and Data Migration Techniques
  • Understand the moving Parts: Compiler, Blockchain, API, KeyStore
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 8 Deployment, Lab 9 Tie it together)
    • Changing from strings to bytes (save gas)
    • Deploy using Ropsten Test-Ether
    • Understand the difference when using a real Blockchain
    • Use a fully functioning distributed Application

Mining, Proof of Work vs. Proof of Authority

  • What is Mining in PoW?
    • How blocks are generated
    • PoW vs. PoA (vs. PoS)
  • Understanding Go-Ethereum or Ganache/TestRPC for local development
  • Understanding Private Blockchains vs. Public Blockchains
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 10 Mining)
    • Installing and using Ganache
    • Installing and using Go-Ethereum
    • Connecting to Ganache/Go-Ethereum from Remix and Web3.js
    • Interact with the Blockchain from HTML/JS

Current Problems, Solutions, Outlook, Serenity

  • Ethereum Now and Ethereum Future
  • Where we are at with Ethereum
    • Homestead
    • PoW
  • Where Ethereum is heading to
    • Serenity
    • PoS + PoW to PoS
    • Sharding
  • Recommended Newsletters/Groups

Working in Teams, Testing and Versioning

  • Understanding what Truffle is
  • Comparison to Embark
  • How Manage Code for Teams
  • Understanding Migrations
  • Understanding Unit-Testing with Truffle
  • LAB TASKS (Lab 11 Truffle setup, Lab 12 Truffle Unit Testing)
    • Download and Setup Truffle
    • Adapt the standard Truffle-Project
    • Write A Unit Test

IPFS and distributed File-Storage 

  • What is IPFS
  • Comparison between IPFS, FileCoin, Swarm, Sia, Storj
  • LAB TASK (Lab 13 – IPFS)
    • Install and work with IPFS
    • Upload and retrieve a fully decentralized file

Bonus Section: Compilation

  • LAB TASK (Lab 14 – Compilation)
    • Compile a Solidity File with a command-line compiler


*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Blockchain and smart contract basics
  • Smart contract programming basics
  • Understanding decentralized information and Web3
  • Basics of Ethereum and the EVM
  • Advanced Solidity: modifiers, mapping, structs, and inheritance
  • Understanding deployment and costs
  • Mining, Proof of Work versus Proof of Authority
  • Current problems, solutions, outlook, and serenity
  • Working in teams, testing and versioning
  • IPFS and distributed file-storage


This course is highly technical and requires students to be comfortable with coding. To prepare for the class you should:

  • Provide your own computer (Mac/PC/Linux) (labs are hosted in a virtual environment)
  • Have basic programming skills in JavaScript / HTML
  • Basic knowledge in C ++ / Java, data types (advantageous)
  • Basic knowledge with git repositories (advantageous)

Programmers, Developers, and Architects.


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