Introduction to C++ Programming | Intensive C++ (TTC2100-C) Course Details:

Introduction to C++ Programming / Intensive C++ is a skills-focused, hands-on C++ training course geared for experienced programmers who need to learn C++ coupled with sounds coding skills and best practices for OO development.  Students will leave this course armed with the required skills to put foundation-level C++ programming skills right to work in a practical environment.

The central concepts of C++ syntax and style are taught in the context of using object-oriented methods to achieve reusability, adaptability and reliability. Emphasis is placed on the features of C++ that support abstract data types, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will learn to apply the process of data abstraction and class design. Practical aspects of C++ programming including efficiency, performance, testing, and reliability considerations are stressed throughout. Comprehensive hands on exercises are integrated throughout to reinforce learning and develop real competency.

If your team requires different topics or tools, additional skills or a different approach, this course may be further adjusted to accommodate.  We offer additional related C++ programming, development, design and security courses which may be blended with this course for a track that best suits your learning objectives. Our team will collaborate with you to understand your needs and will target the course to focus on your specific learning objectives and goals.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Lesson 1. Moving from C to C++ (Optional)

  • New Compiler Directives
  • Stream Console I/O
  • Explicit Operators
  • Standard Libraries
  • Data Control Capabilities

Lesson 2. Handling Data

  • New Declaration Features
  • Initialization and Assignment
  • Enumerated Types
  • The bool Type
  • Constant Storage
  • Pointers to Constant Storage
  • Constant Pointers
  • References
  • Constant Reference Arguments
  • Volatile Data
  • Global Data

Lesson 3. Functions

  • Function Prototypes and Type Checking
  • Default Function Data Types
  • Function Overloading
  • Problems with Function Overloading
  • Name Resolution
  • Promotions and Conversions
  • Call by Value
  • Reference Declarations
  • Call-by-Reference and Reference Types
  • References in Function Return
  • Constant Argument Types
  • Conversion of Parameters Using Default Initializers
  • Providing Default Arguments
  • Inline Functions

Lesson 4. Operator Overloading

  • Advantages and Pitfalls of Overloading
  • Member Operator Syntax and Examples
  • Class Assignment Operators
  • Class Equality Operators
  • Non-Member Operator Overloading
  • Member and Non-Member Operator Functions
  • Operator Precedence
  • The this Pointer
  • Overloading the Assignment Operator
  • Overloading Caveats

Lesson 5. Creating and Using Objects

  • Creating Automatic Objects
  • Creating Dynamic Objects
  • Calling Object Methods
  • Constructors
  • Initializing Member consts
  • Initializer List Syntax
  • Allocating Resources in Constructor
  • Destructors
  • Block and Function Scope
  • File and Global Scope
  • Class Scope
  • Scope Resolution Operator ::
  • Using Objects as Arguments
  • Objects as Function Return Values
  • Constant Methods
  • Containment Relationships

Lesson 6. Dynamic Memory Management

  • Advantages of Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Static, Automatic, and Heap Memory
  • Free Store Allocation with new and delete
  • Handling Memory Allocation Errors

Lesson 7. Controlling Object Creation

  • Object Copying and Copy Constructor
  • Automatic Copy Constructor
  • Conversion Constructor

Lesson 8. Streaming I/O

  • Streams and the iostream Library
  • Built-in Stream Objects
  • Stream Manipulators
  • Stream Methods
  • Input/Output Operators
  • Character Input
  • String Streams
  • Formatted I/O
  • File Stream I/O
  • Overloading Stream Operators
  • Persistent Objects

Lesson 9. Introduction to Object Concepts

  • The Object Programming Paradigm
  • Object-Orientated Programming Definitions
  • Information Hiding and Encapsulation
  • Separating Interface and Implementation
  • Classes and Instances of Objects
  • Overloaded Objects and Polymorphism

Lesson 10.  Declaring and Defining Classes

  • Components of a Class
  • Class Structure
  • Class Declaration Syntax
  • Member Data
  • Built-in Operations
  • Constructors and Initialization
  • Initialization vs. Assignment
  • Class Type Members
  • Member Functions and Member Accessibility
  • Inline Member Functions
  • Friend Functions
  • Static Members
  • Modifying Access with a Friend Class

Lesson 11. Templates

  • Purpose of Template Classes
  • Constants in Templates
  • Templates and Inheritance
  • Container Classes
  • Use of Libraries

Lesson 12. Strings in C++

  • Character Strings
  • The String Class
  • Operators on Strings
  • Member Functions of the String Class

Lesson 13. Inheritance

  • Inheritance and Reuse
  • Composition vs. Inheritance
  • Inheritance: Centralized Code
  • Inheritance: Maintenance and Revision
  • Public, Private and Protected Members
  • Redefining Behavior in Derived Classes
  • Designing Extensible Software Systems
  • Syntax for Public Inheritance
  • Use of Common Pointers
  • Constructors and Initialization
  • Inherited Copy Constructors
  • Destructors and Inheritance
  • Public, Protected, Private Inheritance

Lesson 14. Exceptions

  • Types of Exceptions
  • Trapping and Handling Exceptions
  • Triggering Exceptions
  • Handling Memory Allocation Errors

Lesson 15. C++ Program Structure

  • Organizing C++ Source Files
  • Integrating C and C++ Projects
  • Using C in C++

Lesson 16. Reliability Considerations in C++ Projects

  • Function Prototypes
  • Strong Type Checking
  • Constant Types
  • C++ Access Control Techniques

Lesson 17. Polymorphism in C++

  • Definition of Polymorphism
  • Calling Overridden Methods
  • Upcasting
  • Accessing Overridden Methods
  • Virtual Methods and Dynamic Binding
  • Virtual Destructors
  • Abstract Base Classes and Pure Virtual Methods

Lesson 18. Multiple Inheritance

  • Derivation from Multiple Base Classes
  • Base Class Ambiguities
  • Virtual Inheritance
  • Virtual Base Classes
  • Virtual Base Class Information

Lesson 19. The Standard Template Library

  • STL Containers
  • Parameters Used in Container Classes
  • The Vector Class
  • STL Algorithms
  • Use of Libraries

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Working within an engaging, hands-on learning environment, attendees will explore:

  • Writing procedural programs using C++
  • Using private, public and protected keywords to control access to class members
  • Defining a class in C++
  • Writing constructors and destructors
  • Writing classes with const and static class members
  • Overloading operators
  • Implementing polymorphic methods in programs
  • Writing programs using file I/O and string streams
  • Using manipulators and stream flags to format output
  • Using the keyword template to write generic functions and classes
  • Writing programs that use generic classes and functions
  • Writing programs that use algorithms and containers of the Standard Library
  • Apply object-oriented design techniques to real-world programming problems
  • Using algorithms and containers of the Standard Library to manipulate string data
  • Understand how C++ protects the programmer from implementation changes in other modules of an application
  • Using try() blocks to trap exceptions
  • Using catch() blocks to handle exceptions
  • Defining exceptions and using throw to trigger them

This ‘skills-centric’ course is about 50% hands-on lab and 50% lecture designed to train attendees in core C++ development skills, coupling the most current, effective techniques with the soundest coding practices. Students will explore a series of progressively advanced topics, where each topic consists of lecture, group discussion, practical hands-on lab exercises, and lab review. Our courses include a wide range of supporting materials and labs to ensure all students are appropriately challenged or assisted at all times.

This is an introductory-level C++ programming course designed for developers with experience programming in C or other languages. Practical hands-on prior programming experience and knowledge is required.

NOTE: This course is for experienced developers. Students new to Programming should consider our TTC2000-C Basic C++ Programming for Non-Programmers, which combines and introduction to programming with basic C++ coding skills.

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