Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Development with Exam (JB451) Course Details:

In this course, you will learn how to model data sources and virtual entities such as tables, views, and procedures. Through hands-on labs, you will learn how to deploy these virtual entities for JDBC and web service consumption. This course includes the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Data Virtualization Exam (EX450).

Note: Global IT Training and Red Hat do not guarantee that anyone who takes one or all of the courses in the Red Hat certification program will pass a Red Hat exam. On-the-job experience, in combination with high-quality training, is the best way to build skills and prepare for a Red Hat exam. The exam itself is a hands-on learning experience, and many of those who do not pass on the first try come away with knowledge of what they need to work on to pass the exam on a re-take.


EX450 included on the last day

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. Introduction to Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

  • Install Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

2. Model data sources

  • Model connections to data sources and the Teiid server

3. Create a VBL

  • Model a VBL on top of data sources

4. Create VDBs

  • Create and deploy a VDB

5. Create view models with a union

  • Model combined projections

6. Create view models with joins

  • Model joins between tables (sources)

7. Create virtual procedures

  • Model virtual procedures

8. Produce XML results

  • Model for XML document results

9. Expose a model as a SOAP web service

  • Build and deploy a web service model using JAX-WS (SOAP)

10. Expose a model as a REST web service

  • Deploy a web service model using JAX-RS (REST)

11. Create a view from a web service data source

  • Use a web service as a data source

12. Server administration

  • Manage the data services server

13. Create materialized views

  • Utilize materialized views when appropriate

14. Restrict access to a virtual database

  • Implement access restrictions to the elements mapped in a virtual database

15. Access a virtual database in an application

  • Access virtual databases in a Java application

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Modeling data sources
  • Modeling a virtual base layer (VBL)
  • Creating a virtual databases (VDB)
  • Modeling unions, joins, and virtual procedures
  • Modeling and deploying web services
  • Server administration
  • Developing client applications
  • Database administrators
  • Database developers

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